West/Central Area Committee Update

Thanks to all the residents who attended last week’s West Central Area Committee. Here is a brief roundup of the evening:

– The committee approved the planning application relating to 99 Grantchester Meadows
– Residents raised questions in the Open Forum relating to policing matters and the limits of the visitor parking permit scheme.
– The committee approved Community Development and Leisure Grants totalling £4,778, which included grants to the Friends of Midsummer Common, Centre 33, Windsor Road Residents Association and Christ’s Pieces Residents’ Association.
– Most of the meeting was devoted to the final item on the agenda relating to the allocation of developer contributions, where the committee was asked to prioritise projects for the short term, and also identify possible uses of city-wide developer contributions. After lengthy debate, the committee voted to move forward on the following projects for the short term:

1. Area-wide seats and benches in parks and other informal open spaces. A consultation will follow to decide the exact location of the benches.
2. Improved entrances to Histon Road Rec. Ground, which may involve engagement with the three local schools in the design or the incorporation of public art.
3. Improved access to Midsummer Common orchard.

The committee also agreed unanimously to use community facility funds to support Centre 33 in its effort to complete a community meeting room. The committee noted the importance of Centre 33’s work.

As part of the discussion, Cllr Andrea Reiner noted in particular the request by residents to improve the cycle paths on Jesus Green and Midsummer Common, and said that she shared their desire to see them improved. Cllr Sarah Whitebread supported this as well.

Cllr Reiner said that, “There never seems to be enough money, or the right kind of money,” to move forward on this project. The committee agreed to impress on officers the fact that the committee as a whole considers the improvement of those cycle paths to be a high priority.

The next meeting of the West/Central Area Committee will be on 10 January 2013 at Wesley Methodist Church at 7 pm.

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