Could new plan ease parking woes?

Local Lib Dem councillors recently met with Highways Officers to discuss their plans to improve parking in the Kite.
Under a plan proposed by Cllr Rosenstiel, many areas that currently have single yellow lines will be available as residents parking only during the evening and on Sundays.

The proposals, which will be consulted on in the Spring, will mostly benefit the Kite, but could also be implemented elsewhere in the city. Cllrs Rosenstiel and Whitebread are also working with the Council to identify more permanent residents parking bays in the Kite, and find a suitable location for a car club bay.

Research has shown that each car club car replaces on average 26 privately owned cars over time. Cllr Rosenstiel commented “If these proposals go ahead, we hope they will make a real difference to the problems residents currently  face in finding somewhere near where they live to park.”

Downing & Pembroke Streets wheelchair access

Downing and Pembroke Streets were highlighted in the City Council’s recent survey to find out where kerbs were causing most problems for wheelchair users.

Attention will now focus there for investing the £10,000 allocated to mobility crossings by our Area Committee. “Shame on the County Council as the highway authority for not pursuing this themselves,” said Cllr Tim Bick who is promoting the scheme.

“At least we can make some progress with the money we have.”

Extra money for street drinkers’ rehab

Cllr Tim Bick (left) and Catherine Smart (far right) with members of the team who run the detox programmes with street drinkers.

Lib Dems on the City Council have invested more money in detox treatment for street drinkers in Cambridge.

Over 30 successful treatment programmes are completed each year by a Community Psychiatric Nurse through a scheme funded jointly by the Council and local GPs. The nurse will soon be supported by a new Project worker, increasing the capacity to over 40 cases.

“I am delighted we can expand to support more people who lead chaotic lives and spend much time on the streets,” said Cllr Tim Bick. “Rehabilitating the people whose behaviour causes offence and helping them settle down is the only solution that is effective in the long term: a win-win for them and the community at large.”

Cambridge Half Marathon – Sunday 11th March

The Cambridge half-marathon will be taking place on Sunday 11th March, and a number of roads in the area will be closed or have restricted access until the afternoon. Residents who are directly affected should have already received a letter with details; but for people outside the immediate vicinity, we have posted a copy of the map that has been provided. You can also check the details on the organisers’ web site.

If there are any problems on the day, we would like to be informed: as always, our contact details are in the box on the right.