The agenda for last night’s West/Central Area Committee was supposed to include an item on Safer City Grants. The item was removed because City Council had not received any applications. We would encourage residents to apply for these grants. A bit about the Safer City Grants from the City Council website:
The Safer City grant scheme provides start-up funding to new on-going community projects or one-off grants to new time-limited community projects that will help tackle crime, the fear of crime and antisocial behaviour in Cambridge.
You can apply for a grant up to a maximum of £5,000. The Safer City grant scheme budget for 2012/13 has been set at £50,000; this is equally split between the four Area Committees of Cambridge and a “Citywide” pot.
As with any other application for a City Council grant, you must demonstrate that there is a need for the funding and support this with evidence. You must also have a clear plan of what you want to spend the funding on and support this with costings and quotes, where appropriate.
More information, including the application form, can be found on the City Council website.