This is just a quick note to thank those residents who took the time to come to the West/Central Area workshop on Thursday evening. I was really pleased by all the ideas that were generated.
We will be reporting a summary of all the suggestions to the next meeting of the West/Central Area Committee on 1st November, identifying which ones would be eligible for developer contributions funding and could be delivered within the next 12 to 18 months. The Area Committee can then decide which projects to take forward as priorities for the area.
As I mentioned last night, this is the start of an on-going process. It won’t be possible for the Area Committee to take forward all the ideas that have been suggested and we should not expect changes to happen overnight. That said, I think that we have made a really good start and I look forward to the delivery of a number of new or improved facilities that will make a difference to the lives of local residents in our wards.
If you were unable to attend the workshop but have an idea that you would like to be considered as part of this process, please email
Thank you
Cllr Andrea Reiner
Chair, West/Central Area Committee