Here is a round up of highlights from yesterday’s West/Central Area Committee.
Planning: Despite opposition from Market Ward councillors, the committee approved the planning application for the development to the rear of 21-28 New Square. Amongst other things, ward councillors raised concerns about the impact of parking the development would have, especially given that 12 garages would have to be demolished for it to go forward.
Police and Crime Commissioner: PCC Sir Graham Bright spoke to residents about his vision for Victim Support, Neighbourhood Watch, and other matters. Residents questioned the commissioner on the way the PCC election was run, E-Cops, crime reporting and other matters. Members welcomed Sir Graham’s support for the 20-mph speed limit in Cambridge; residents applauded his comments on the subject.
Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods: Sgt Jane Drury and Insp Steve Poppitt attended the meeting on behalf of the police, and Lynda Kilkelly, the City Council’s Safer Communities Manager, also attended. Sgt Drury presented the police report.
Cllr Tim Bick stated that he was pleased in particular that the police were helping with the review of the premises licence of Norfolk News & More. He said that the review function under the Licensing Act was important, and should be used when needed. He said that residents often feel that if a licence is granted there is no recourse to deal with problems that may crop up later.
Insp Poppitt agreed to liaise with a resident regarding the enforcement of the 7.5T weight limit in Maids Causeway.
The committee agreed to adopt the following priorities:
– Cycle crime, including anti-social cycling and cycle theft
– Anti-social behaviour in the area of the Grafton Centre and Christ’s Pieces
– Taxi Over-Ranking in St Andrew’s Street
Bus shelters: The committee approved the allocation of 3 new bus shelters along Madingley Road and Castle Street.
Future meetings: Members agreed the dates for upcoming meetings. The chair noted that two meetings had been taken out of weeks that fell in the school holidays.
Timing of future meetings: The committee agreed to change the timing of future area committee meetings. Previously planning items would begin at 7 am, and main agenda items no earlier than 8 pm. However to avoid having a long gap between planning and the main agenda, members agreed for future meetings to begin planning at 7 as usual, and go on to the main agenda items no earlier than 7:30 pm.