Here is a short round up on what happened at last night’s West/Central Area Committee meeting:
1. Councillors voted to approve the two planning applications relating to Radcliffe Court.
2. Councillors voted to approve the application relating to 108 Barton Road, with an added condition.
3. The Open Forum covered a number of topics, including a long discussion of the 20 mph zone.
4. Jim Meikle, the Community Fire Safety Officer, gave a presentation on fire safety and the danger of emergency vehicle obstruction.
5. Councillors agreed 3 new police priorities: 1) Addressing antisocial cycling; 2) Dealing with antisocial behaviour in the Fair Street/Fitzroy Street/Burleigh Street area; and 3) Supporting the fire safety initiative identified in the earlier agenda item.
6. Councillors rejected the officer recommendation and approved a proposal to move forward with a traffic calming measure in Canterbury Street, as described in Option 1 in the agenda minutes, noting that another consultation would take place under the terms of the TRO.