The agenda for the 24 February West Central Area Committee Meeting included a report on Alcohol Related ASB Associated with the Night Economy. During this agenda item the police reported on the formation of a new city centre patrol team which will aim, amongst other things, to deal with the trouble associated with alcohol-fueled antisocial behaviour in the city centre. The new police unit will have a remit to:
1) deal with alcohol-related crime and disorder in the city centre;
2) deal with the problem of cycle crime in the city;
3) respond to seasonal crime demands such as winter retail theft and summer street robbery; and
4) take on the duties carried out by the Neighbourhood Policing Team in Market Ward.
The team will have dual aims: during the day it will focus on cycle crimes; at night the team will conduct city centre patrols targeting alcohol-related crime and disorder hotspots.
This development has come about in part in response to residents’ increasing concern about the prevalence of alcohol-fueled antisocial behaviour. Market Ward resident Andrea Reiner welcomed the move: “I am pleased to see the police respond to our concerns in this way. We also need to address the roots of these problems, but this is a step in the right direction.”