Police Reassurance on Speed Limits Welcomed

City Centre Team Member, Councillor Tim Bick, has welcomed police reassurance that the city centre’s 20mph speed limits will be enforced.

Cllr Bick, responsible for community safety as Executive Councillor for Community Development, and fellow councillors were given the news at a meeting recently.

Cambridgeshire’s new Chief Constable, Simon Parr, told them he had authorised his commanders to enforce the new speed limits and those throughout the county.

Residents had been worried that the introduction of the new limits was hollow without police enforcement.

“This was a very welcome clarification from the Chief Constable,” said Cllr Bick, who represents Market ward. “Lower speeds greatly reduce the risk of accidents and injury, so the new limits are enormously valued by residents, and other pedestrians and cyclists using the streets concerned.

“Although everyone accepts that the conduct of enforcement needs to be fitted in with other police priorities, it is important that drivers should know that the possibility exists of getting caught. People were worried that without enforcement, the introduction of the 20mph limits was hollow.

“This is one part of the picture, but the other is awareness. Most motorists will observe a limit, so long as their attention is effectively drawn to it. Although the current signage apparently adequately meets legal standards, many people feel it is easily missed and it would be a pity if they received penalties for that reason. So we await the county council’s review of the visibility of its signage and the possibility of other measures to improve awareness.”

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