10 January – West/Central Area Committee

Dear Resident

The next West/Central Area Committee meeting will be on Thursday, 10 January at the Wesley Church in Christ’s Pieces. The meeting will start at 7 pm with planning items, and the main part of the agenda (non-planning items) will begin no earlier than 8 pm.

In addition to the usual Open Forum, these are the highlights for the upcoming meeting:

1) Planning: Land at rear of 21-28 New Square
2) Police and Crime Commissioner: Sir Graham Bright
3) Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods
4) New and replacement bus shelter programme
5) Setting meeting dates for 2013-14

We hope to see you there.

Salmon Lane Tree Update

A number of residents in the BruNK area have asked for updates on the trees in Salmon Lane.

Officers have told us that the replacement trees for Salmon Lane are now in place. They were planted on 19 December after allowing the soil to settle over the previous month. A bark mulch dressing will be added. The mulch will help with moisture retention, which was one of the primary reasons the initial stock struggled. The treegators have been re-affixed and the trees will be on the usual watering rounds.

Bin Collections over the Holidays

Due to Christmas Day falling on a Tuesday this year, City Council will be moving bin collections that would fall on Dec 25th forward to Saturday 22nd Dec, with most other collections moving one day later. The earlier collection will affect parts of Market Ward.

To find out when your bin collections will be happening, the best weblink to use is the one to the postcode bin search, which is http://bins.cambridge.gov.uk (no www!).

Happy holidays!

Parker’s Piece Lighting Update

A trial of lighting along the footpaths across Parkers Piece is scheduled for early in the New Year. This follows an initiative by the City Centre Lib Dem team to improve safety after recent night time incidents there. The trial will last for a month and will be along only one arm of the path network between Reality Checkpoint and the edge.

“The case to improve safety along these very busy paths is a very strong one and it’s been put to us equally by students and other residents too,” says Cllr Tim Bick. “We recognise the need to achieve this consistently with the character of the important open space, so we are using this trial to gather feedback before deciding the final approach.”